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Maternity DNA Testing


Maternity testing provides scientific evidence of whether a woman can be a child's biological mother.

A maternity DNA test determines whether a woman is a child’s biological mother. While similar to a paternity test, it compares a child’s DNA pattern with that of the alleged mother to determine how likely it is that the child has inherited the suspected mother’s DNA. When we achieve the probability of maternity of 0%, the alleged mother is ruled out from being the biological mother of a child. However, the probability of maternity greater than 99.9% indicates that the so-called mother is indeed the biological mother of a child. We endeavor to provide the best service experience with a fast, easy, and painless DNA sample collection procedure. A Q-tip like cotton swab is used to collect the sample from inside of the cheek. This sample is then courier expressed to the laboratory for next day delivery and analysis. Our affiliate AABB accredited laboratory uses the most advanced and accurate technology to determine parentage with strict quality controls.

  • Child Support
  • Child Custody
  • Immigration
  • Birth Certificate
  • Tax Forms
  • Wills & Estate
  • Court Order
  • Adoption
  • Other Legal Reasons
Situations Requiring a Maternity DNA Test:

We handle several situations where a maternity DNA test proves beneficial. Most common are:

  • Immigration: People requests maternity DNA testing for immigration purpose in following cases: a) To sponsor their mother/child in an immigrant visa, citizenship or passport application b) Asked by immigration authorities to provide additional evidence in support of their biological relationship. Being an AABB-accredited facility, we follow strict quality standards to ensure accurate DNA test results for immigration purposes.
  • Surrogacy: A surrogate mother is a woman who carries and gives birth to a child for another couple. There are two types of surrogacy – traditional and gestational. In traditional surrogacy, a surrogate mother is artificially inseminated with the sperm of an intended father. Thus, a maternity test is unnecessary in such a case. In gestational surrogacy, the eggs of the intended mother are fertilized with sperm of the intended father through Vitro fertilization [IVF], and then fertilized embryos are implanted into the surrogate’s uterus. Therefore, it becomes necessary to perform a maternity DNA test to ensure that the intended mother is indeed a mother and not a surrogate mother. It rules out the chances of pregnancy due to natural conception and also mix-up of donor eggs at a medical facility.
  • Baby Switch at Hospital: Sometimes, the family suspects that baby switching may have occurred in the maternity ward. A maternity DNA test is done to rule out such a possibility.
  • Adoption Reunification: When an adopted child wants to confirm their birth mother, a maternity DNA test is performed.
  • International Adoption: In a case, a couple seeks to adopt a child from another country. In situations where adoption fraud or corruption may occur, maternity DNA testing may be required to confirm that the woman who is willingly putting a child up for adoption is indeed the true biological mother of a child.


In these cases, a couple is seeking to adopt a child who is a citizen of another country. In certain countries or situations in which adoption fraud or corruption is suspected or has been historically observed, maternity DNA testing may be required to confirm that the woman who is willingly putting a child up for adoption is indeed the child’s biological mother.


Personal maternity DNA Testing If you want maternity answers to satisfy your curiosity or for your peace of mind, then a Personal maternity DNA test is the one for you. The results of personal DNA testing are not legally defensible and meant for personal use only. Our partner laboratory is an AABB accredited and guarantee the accuracy and privacy of your test results. A personal DNA test can be performed at one of our collection sites throughout the U.S. or in the privacy of your home with our at-home maternity DNA testing kit we provide. Legal Maternity DNA testing We offer legal maternity DNA testing that is admissible in court and legally defensible. Our affiliate AABB accredited laboratory uses the most advanced and accurate technology to determine parentage with strict quality controls. Legal maternity DNA Test results can be used as a legal document for the following: Child Support Child Custody Immigration Birth Certificate Tax Forms Will / Estate Court Order Adoption Legal reasons We are the more trusted maternity DNA testing facility in California and nationwide.


We offer all types of maternity testing services that include personal, legal, and non-traditional DNA testing throughout California. With our best maternity testing solutions, we cater to the DNA testing needs of people of Oakland, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Santa Ana, Anaheim, Bakersfield, Fresno, Irvine, Long Beach, Modesto, Riverside, Sacramento, San Diego, Stockton, Tracy, Vallejo and other major cities of California. We are committed to providing you maternity answers with utmost accuracy and privacy.

Yes, a maternity DNA test can determine the birth mother of a child. A child inherits half of DNA from father and another half from a mother. We compare the DNA of the potential mother with that of a child to establish maternity.

The process of maternity DNA test is similar to a paternity DNA test, except in this child’s DNA is compared with the mother’s DNA. We achieve a probability of maternity greater than 99.9% when the alleged mother is indeed the biological mother of the baby.

The primary difference between paternity and maternity test is whose DNA sample is compared with a child’s DNA. A paternity test determines the biological father of a child while a maternity test determines the biological mother. In order to confirm the true biological father, a paternity test is necessary for both traditional and gestational surrogacy. In contrast, the maternity DNA test is essential only in the case of gestational surrogacy.

After the DNA sample collection, it usually takes 5-6 business days to get the test results.

The cost of the maternity DNA test depends on your unique situation and requirement. Our experienced experts are always ready to guide you to choose the right test within your budget.

This depends on your situation and purpose. If it is just for curiosity or peace of mind, then we suggest personal maternity DNA testing in such cases. Whoever, if you need to submit maternity testing results in court or use it as a legal document, then we recommend legal maternity DNA testing.

We promise to offer:

  • 100% confidentiality.
  • Accurate test results.
  • Quick turnaround time.
  • Stringent quality standards
  • Easy and painless DNA collection
  • Labs throughout the U.S.

Our paternity DNA testing is available in all 50 states of the U.S. We are the most recommended DNA testing service provider in California covering all major cities such as Oakland, San Francisco, Fairfield, Inglewood, Modesto, Riverside, San Jose, Los Angeles, Sacramento, San Diego, Concord, Stockton, Vallejo, etc.

Contact Us to take the next step!

DNA testing is the only way to be sure. Accurate C & S Services provides reliable results guaranteed! We support all major testing methods, so you know you’re getting the right answer for your needs—no matter what they are.