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Gender Reveal

Highest Accuracy, Fastest, and Most Affordable Baby Gender Reveal

The Best and Earliest Baby-Gender Reveal DNA Test

Benefits of Early Detection Gender DNA Test:

  • Accuracy Rate of 99.5%
  • Results in 1-2 Business Days Once Testing Begins
  • Detects Baby’s Sex as Early as 7 Weeks of Pregnancy
  • Easy & Convenient
  • Price Includes 2-Business-Day Shipping Both Ways
  • Endorsed by the American Pregnancy Association

IMPORTANT: Sorry; this test is not available for New York residents or for customers living outside the United States.

Highest Accuracy, Fastest, and Most Affordable Baby Gender Reveal

Am I having a boy or a girl? It’s the question every expectant couple wants to know! Now you don’t have to wait till your ultrasound. Our Gender DNA Test uses the very latest in validated DNA science to provide that all-important answer—and you can find out as early as 7 weeks into pregnancy.

The test requires only a small blood sample from the mother, so it’s completely safe for both baby and mama. Our analysts determine if a Y chromosome is present in the mother’s blood. If it is, she’s having a boy and if it isn’t, she’s having a girl. The Peekaboo accuracy rate of99.5%is higher than any other gender reveal test, so you can trust the result.

This test has not been validated for multi-fetal pregnancies. If you are expecting twins or other multiples, we suggest relying instead on ultrasound and ultrasound 4D for determination of your babies’ sexes.